Halloween was a great day for us. We enjoyed the costumes, candy and all that the holiday has to offer. We got lots of loot this year and thanks to Tate, we will have candy for a life time. (He is able to eat some of it...smarties, suckers and such...But mommy and daddy will really enjoy the chocolate..hee hee) We had plans to hit Lee's and some of the other places in town for trick or treating, but Tate had a nice long nap instead. We ran up to the Mall and got tons of candy there and then hit our wards "Trunk or Treat". We really enjoyed seeing all of the ward members and kids in AWESOME costumes! Tate enjoyed giving his candy back to all of the givers, I thought that was pretty cute of him. Aaron handed out the treats with Mike, while the ladies and kids hit the trunks. After Megan and Ariana went around the blocks and hit the houses in our neighborhood that we didn't get candy from at the trunk or treat. I was very impressed to see some of the houses and how festive they get for this holiday. I got a big scare at one....smoke machine...skeleton laughing at me..it made me jump a mile(thanks Towers). I was pooped from the long day when I got home, but managed to still answer the door to thousands of kids! (WOW WAS IT A GREAT YEAR FOR TRICK OR TREATERS OR WHAT?!!) I think that the warm weather helped in this a lot. No jacket was required....I loved it! Thanks for all the fun, to all of the spookers out there...until next year!
BOO!!! Pretty scary HUH!!!

The Wonder bread man!

Mike snuck this surprise picture on my camera..so I thought that I might as well post it....Thanks MIKE!

Great family photo op! Aaron and Charee the "CAVE COUPLE" and "Wonder Tate"

The Wonder bread man,horse,m&m, and dolls. Tate's great friends from the ward.

Megan, Ariana, and Me with the cute kids!