This last weekend we had such a wonderful and fun opportunity to go to a FUN luau (up at USU) but also support family!! Both of my super cute and not so small nephews were in a couple of the islands dances! More importantly Tonga where their family started from. The food was made for hundreds and Aaron was in heaven with it. (He served in New Zealand and LOVES poly food!!) It just was super fun to see the dances, chants, eat the food and just enjoy the surroundings all together. I have never felt so white!! Ha Ha!
Jacob back row (far left) and Mason front row. (far left)
Eating the great food with lots of fun family and friends!
More dances!
Even saw my NIECE (and guy friend) from my side of the family and dared them to eat the food! It is very different if you haven't tried it before! They liked!
The family!!!
Scary MASON doing the Hakka tongue!
Me trying it out as well! Not so good! HA!
MUSCLES! Sharpy tats at their finest!
TONGUES! Gotta LOVE these boys and their talent!
Lastly I thought I would throw in a few pics for our last GNO that I hosted at my house! I couldn't think of something to do for this grand occasion and didn't have much time to do it! POTATO'S was the answer!We ate a plethora of potato foods...and some treats!
FRIES of course!!
Tater TOTS of course!
Spud nut donuts and Idaho spud bars...but of course!
Potato chips and DIPS! OHHH YEAH!!
We played the ohh so random game of HOT POTATO and when it landed on you, you got to choose an idem to wear...and by the end of it all...WE ALL LOOKED HOT! ohhh YEAH! Poop the potato never got pictured...but was quite the sight! Randomness sometimes pays off I tell ya! he he he
Added bonus! The next day the boys got into the dress ups and were clear down the street wearing them. HA HA! We just had to laugh, and of course take a picture! LOVE these boys!!
5 years ago