Thursday, May 31, 2012

Memorial Day and odds and ends!

Memorial weekend we have looked forward to for a LONG time! We were so excited to go to the AIR SHOW at Hill Air force!! Our plans got a bit changed...but this is how it went down....

We drove there...PARKED....walked....MILES....sat down to enjoy the show...for FIVE minutes....and then the announcer said it was to be postponed due to wind and bad weather. WHAT?

Seconds went from this....

To this!!!! We then with millions of others tried to get outta dodge! We were WET from head to TOE within seconds! We still had to walk MILES remember to get back to the car in FREEZING wind and rain! Hence, it was an INTERESTING experience to say the least! Tate kept yelling "I don't like AIR SHOWS" haa haa! We kept taking cover wherever possible...and figured they would be good photo opts..for your enjoyment! HA!

Our poor umbrella was toast by the end! Yes, there is a kid underneath it! Poor kid!

And it is...poor Tate!

If you could only see the mascara I had all the way down to my chin!

Thank heavens we had close family and friends down that way to help us in time of need.  A good ol dryer to dry out all of our clothes, shoes and redo hair and make up! Also a fun BBQ to laugh and enjoy the rest of the day with!

Sunday we enjoyed visiting graves of LOVED ones...along with more BBQ's with GREAT family! Lots of LAUGHS were among us! Gotta love HOLIDAYS!

Onto OTHER fun items of business! This cute little DAVIN of ours earned his LION stuffed animal! His name is "baby tiger". He had a really good day with potty training. He was SOOOO excited to get out of the tub and see this fella on his pillow!


Tramp time! Aaron keeps bringing these "BUBBLES" as we call them from work...fills them with air..and the kids, and the "bigger" kids have a BLAST plummeting off of them on the tramp. We are just waiting for a broken bone. :( Fun times for the mean time at least! Many a day, these are played on!

 Boring news: Cut 4 inches off of my much needed hair...we took a picture to document the length of CUPPING..(inside joke)..and to document the almost 30 week belly!
 More belly.....(getting big!) UGH! (These are for the baby book!) Last pictures from the last week or so! My belly compared to AARONS! His is looking pretty BIG! ;)
My Belly compared to Grandpa's! His is looking about the same as my last pregnancy! ;)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Talk about MAJOR nesting going on!! When I say MAJOR, I mean MAJOR! I think it is due to me not lifting a finger for nearly five months during my ill and hemorrhage days. Now that both of those are over with and gone....I feel GREAT and going NUTS with anything and EVERYTHING. Just to name a few, I have pretty much switched every room in my house around with something or another. Cleaned like a MAD woman, and started projects up the yin yang!

Here is a super dark picture of the NEW nursery for baby BOY #3! (All the stuff is recycled from other rooms in the house!) Love getting everything done early, so I can spend good quality time with my family before the madness starts again! SUPER DUPER excited for this little dude to join us though! Can't come soon enough! Love him already and all that he had gone through too. He is our trooper we say.



 The other boys seen before in earlier post, got a new (hand me down) BUNK BED, with SWEET new mattresses and decor! Most recycled but some new!

 Not done with this wall yet, but we will have a couple big pictures of the brothers together! Love the saying!
 Since we were shopping for mattresses for the boys bunk beds, we got a steal of a deal on a new mattress for us as well! We had to get new sheets for it, so we just got all new bedding for it as well! Then pulled out old decor from out of the crawl space and this is what we got! A new bedroom! (still in progress..)
Bought this $5 end table and re finished it with a dollar store lamp! Loved the way it turned out!
Tate's old bamboo blinds I cut apart and spray painted silver for a MODERN splash! Ha Ha! I still have more painting of dressers and whatnot to finish. I will post those when done. Just a taste today of the NUTS NESTING I have been doing!
Ohhh, and this is a sneak peek of DUDE #3's CUTE FACE (side ways)....sweet looking feet and legs! I love them! Just makes me melt! In most of the pictures from this latest ultrasound he looks just like Davin. :) Who knows though, we will just have to wait and see. All was healthy and well this time around too! We feel so blessed, relieved and happy! :)

Love HIM...Love HIM...Love HIM!!!

Dinners with DADDY!

Now that Aaron has been working two full time jobs this summer, we don't get to see him much! :( Dinners are a BIG deal for us though. We pack a picnic of some sort, go to his work, and eat dinner with DADDY! We always have LOVED picnics in the summer...and this makes for a fun little tradition. When the weather is not permitting, we eat in his jobs lunch room or conference room. The boys think that is a ~BIG ~FUN ~DEAL!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Cinco De Mayo 2012!!

This year Cinco De Mayo went without a hitch! The weather turned out wonderfully. The food, people and entertainment were AWESOME!! We did the traditional everyone bring your favorite mexi side dish to share along with specialty drinks. Our friend Jeromy went a bit overboard with those this year. We had so many flavors to choose from. YUM! Of course we did the traditional HAT dance, and now the newest tradition the: Pee Wee Herman dance! Wasatch Back Band came/learned these song for our entertainment and enjoyment. As we ate, danced, hit the pinata...they sang their hearts out til it was too cold to go on. It sure was fun to have a new twist on our tradition having the live band. After 10 years of Cinco De Mayo we may take a break for a year or so...:( it has gotten a bit large with nearly 100 people coming and starting to get a bit too expensive. We will see though, we love to party!  It sure was a great time and man did we sleep good that night!

These are a few pictures taken at random times and in no particular order! ENJOY!