Saturday, September 10, 2011

Labor Day WEEK!

This week was so nice to have a holiday! We took full advantage of it, and went on a family outing up the mountains! Remember last year when we went on a HIKE up to the wind caves for our bucket list?! Well, this year we went a bit more simple....The RIVERSIDE NATURE TRAIL! Good stuff I tell ya! We still counted it as our hike, and had a great time doing it too!

We.....walked along the trail, ate a picnic, skipped rocks, took silly pics and ate cookies! Can it get much better than that?

Proof that we went THERE, and did THAT!
Walking.....(or hiking, ha ha!)
So DANG cute....
Skipped rocks....
Waterfall picture time...
Picnic fun...
Perfect picnic surroundings!
Cute boys!
And being DORKS as always!! ;)
After enjoying time with just our little family, we went out and enjoyed an evening with all of Aaron's side of the family. We ate TONS, played around the yard, visited, and just goofed off! The kids love hangin' with all the little cousins! Good times.

Just CHILLIN' and eatin'!
Studs muffs! Awww yeah!
Roastin' mello's!
Playin' with cousins around the yard!

Playing (learning) catch!

Cute little sweeties...swingin'
Another day, this sunset was AWESOME from out our kitchen window! Not lovin' that the days are getting so short...BOOO... but we do LOVE the sunsets of beauty!
While watching the sunset this particular night...we made homemade ICE CREAM for the first time this year. YEAH, you heard me. PATHETIC!! It was about dang time, right???!!!

LOVE LOVE LOVE Davin's face in this! HAA HAA
Tis the season for some FRESH salsa also! It is so nice to go out back at get all the veggies right out of the garden for it! YUM!
The park choice for the week was WHITTIER park!!! What a great and FUN one! The boys LOVED it for HOURS!!

So cute with LOTS to do!
What a BIG boy now! That is my BABY!!! Sniff!
I LOVED these little animal rocker things as a kid! Like mother, like son!

Great PALS!
Here we go down the SLIDE!! Weeeeeeeee...

It was again time for FATHER AND SONS camp out!! Aaron loaded up his sons (and all of their gear) in the BIG grey truck...and away they went!
Baa Bye boys!!!
See ya love muff!

I then was alone all by myself! This is so rare and nuts, what do I do with myself?????

Well.....My niece just got here from OR to go to her second year of College at USU! So, we hung out!!! I was not sure how I would like chillin' with all of her roommates! (or more importantly...them with OLDIE GOLDIE!! ;)) But lo and behold...we had a BLAST!!!!

They taught me how to balance and swing on this nifty little contraption. (Who knows what it is called!!) It can't be THAT hard can it???

My niece can do it!!
Her roommate can do it.....really good!
Well heck....I MUST be able to do it!! RIGHT??
WOW!! This is really...HARD!!!
I may be 30 and hanging out with a bunch of 19 year olds....but I can DO IT!!
We laughed and joked! We talked til late too. I even taught them a CHEER!! HAA HAA
Good times with these young gals! (My niece is closer in age to me, than my own brother!!)
NUTS are we??!! YES we are!
We laughed at this picture for quite some time! Could my nostrils get any bigger???


They even got me to go into a DANCE that was going on just right next to their apartment complex. I showed them some old fashion moves from my time...UGH (like fishing, and so forth, you know what I mean!)

I met a boy that my niece has her eye on (or more so his on her.) He seemed nice, but WOW...I was just changing her diapers...she can't get married yet!!! AHHH I drilled questions on him. Don't worry!! Then I went home to a very lonely and quiet night! sniff. Missed my boys.

Saturday, my old friend JoAnn from college days came up to Logan for a visit! It has been at least 9 years since we have seen each other. After MONTHS (and I mean LOTS of months) of trying to get a weekend to work out on both of our ends...finally this was the one to do it.

The husbands met, and TALKED like crazy! They both are they both were talking so much, we couldn't shut them up. For reals!
Mean while the kids played! (We came back to this SWEET and ohhhh so grand park from the other day. The kids LOVE it here!!) Tate wants to come back every day now.
We had a great chicken picnic DINNER! It was yummy!

The kids had a great time with these new friends! Gotta love the swings!
Until next time JoAnn! Hopefully sooner than another 9 years!! Good times all around!

Until next week....

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