Monday, December 19, 2011


This weekend we enjoyed a fun filled HOLIDAY "out of the valley"...but in the same state..."STAYCATION!!!" We were super excited for weeks to go, but the BOYS were going NUTS!!

Aaron's cousin works for "Hilton" and got us SUPER DUPER cheap tickets for the weekend.

The boys were soooo excited once we got in our ROOM! They were excited for the indoor POOL too!
They had a hard time deciding which bed was best for them.

Our view of the big downtown SLC!
We then met up with some family for some good ol ICE SKATING at the Gallivan's center!

What a SIGHT!! So pretty to skate around with all of the pretty Christmas lights.
Tate and Daddy showing off their "stuff!"

Davin decided that he wasn't into it much this time. He stayed on the side lines with Grandma and Grandpa!
Tate felt more comfortable by the walls! (I don't blame him....)

Cute GUYS!!
Staying warm and toasty!

Uncle Cody takes Davin on a "SHOE" ride! (he hated the skates!)

Watching the Zamboni cleaning up the ice.
Studs muffs!
Freeeeeeeeeeeeezing family! Time to hit some grub!
Every place in town had a two hour wait or more.....probably due to our group being 20 we hit DENNY'S!!

We warmed up and had a great time with family and friends! Kids eat FREE too, can't beat that deal!!!

We were warmed up just in time to go back out in the cold. All bundled up, we hit the TEMPLE SQUARE LIGHTS!!! Oh, what a sight!!
The boys couldn't hardly move they were bundled up so much. It was worth it though!
Some of our gang! FUN TIMES and WONDERFUL VIEWS!
Ry and Ree all cozy!
Ree and Ree!
Co-D & K8E!

Charee and Aaron! We LOVED this tree!
After warming up a bit in the JSB....we went up top to check out the view~!
Tate is in LOVE with nutcrackers at the moment....and he LOVED this large one!! So cute!
The nativities are always a HUGE highlight at temple square, especially this one!
To top off the night....we got on the local (2) news! I have ALWAYS wanted to be one of those pesky background people! WHAT A HOOT!! LOVED IT!

DID you see me? I was the Eskimo!
Then it was BEDTIME! Never has it been so EASY to get the kids to go to bed! They LOVED their "new home!!"
Of course HOTEL'S are super fun for their ELEVATORS!! Tate calls them 'Alligators'!! Ha Ha
Swimming time! One of the BIGGEST highlights of the trip for the boys!!

The 'cousin' train!!
The Hot tub....was ohhh so NICE on these old bones!

SLC is always fun for the GATEWAY of course. The boys visited SANTA! He was a super cool santa too! They wouldn't let me take a picture of him...but I took a picture the Coloring book he gave each of the kids!
The Clark Planetarium is always a Super fun for the kids!
Ahhhhh, sooo COOL!
Moon walking...
Mars walking.....

Fun times always are HAD at CHRISTMAS TIME!

And....out of total is my latest work of ART with candy canes!! YOU like? Ha ha


Adam and Aubrey said...

Holy moly. That looks incredibly fun! Just the hotel part looked fun, but then you guys did fun thing after fun thing! Looks cold, but also super fun!

Emilee said...

i like the 'be naughty' decore! looks like you have a great month in december! woah fun!