Sunday, December 15, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013!

Yay, it is that time again...Thanksgiving! The kids make and do fun and great things in their classes at school! I was so impressed this year with how festive they were! Tate was super sick one Sunday and missed his primary class. His teacher and his son (Tates friend Benji) brought him this home made turkey filled with treats and a thankful note saying they were thankful for him. How cute is that? Thanksgiving day we went up to Logan to my parents. Reid and Cristi were the only ones that were there this year with us. It was still fun and super duper yummy! Gotta love your momma's cookin'! We got all fat and sassy (as dad calls it!) Kiera came home with me for all the black friday sales! Yay! Fun times!

Eatin' it all up!
All dressed in orange! oooooh so festive! ;)

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