Dear Davin,
Happy Birthday Buddy! One year ago you were born into our little family around 2:30pm. Mommy remembers it was a COLD, snowy, and foggy day. It didn't matter how the weather was outside, we were as happy as could be. You were a "RAY" of sunshine into our lives. We loved you SOOO much right off of the bat. Mommy felt a very close bond with you right away. Mommy knew that you and her were going to be good buddies.
We had been very nervous the weeks previous. Mommy had lost all of the amniotic fluids early somehow and it was very scary. The doctors monitored you every other day..and mommy had LOTS of ultrasounds. Mommy also was on bed rest for as long as the doctor dared....and then it was time and she was started. Mommy had a blessing and we prayed that you would be as healthy as could be. YOU WERE!! Three weeks and 3 days were born. To our surprise you were a lot bigger than doctors had thought 6# 10oz...and VERY HEALTHY! What a blessing. We were sooo happy and grateful that you were ok. (there had been MANY MANY MANY prayers sent heaven word.)
You never quite looked like either your Mommy, Daddy or Tate. We all wondered who you looked like...we still kinda wonder at times. Mommy knows that you are ours, due to her watching you being born..haa haa. Some people joke and say that you are the mail mans..but that couldn't be...HE is a SHE! Funny times. No matter who you look like, we LOVE YOU ALL THE SAME!
You have been and are a complete joy. We wouldn't want to trade anything no matter how hard and frustrating things may be or get. Always remember we LOVE you more than anything!! :)
What a WONDERFUL year this last one has been. WE LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
Happy Birthday DAVIN (AKA: stinkers)
Love your Mommy, Daddy and Tate!
These are just a few of the thousands of pictures that were taken on that big day!
Now for some of his first couple of months. (Some are out of order..sorry!)

YUMMMMM...FOOD! I love food in the hospital...I get SOO hungry after having a baby.