Not many of you know, but Davin has been diagnosed with very low muscle tone. Which means he is content to sit. He wasn't hitting any of his mile stones when I was thinking they should be. (I was comparing him to Tate's mile stones..and he was quick with everything.) ***"NEVER COMPARE"***...they say.."all kids are different!!" (it is hard..when Tate was nearly running at his age.) When he was 10 1/2 months and still wasn't rolling, I started to worry. He got tested and they said that he was in need of some Physical Therapy and a couple other Therapies. As soon as I made the call, he of course started to move. With a little bit of their help, but mainly him...he is moving around like a PRO!! The goals they wanted set for him, was to crawl by a year..and walk by 18 months. He beat the goal by a month for crawling..and who knows about the walking. We are just celebrating one thing at a time. GOOD JOB DAVIN! *Just this last week he can even do stairs. YAY!! He is such a sweet and lovable dude, and we love him soooo very much.
Up on my hands and knees..ready to MOVE!

Sometimes..I even walk like a spider.

Here I go!!

This is my FAVORITE place to build my strengh! I love to stand here. (drives tate nuts when he wants to go down the slide...)

Just hangin out!

At this progress...we might see a walker before we know it...who knows???
That is awesome!! I have a hard time not comparing my kids to other kids-or to each other for that matter. You just have to keep reminding yourself that each child has his/her own time table. I swear that all the other babies around us are practically walking and my kids are just barely starting to move a lot. It would be nice if babies could talk and let us know when they plan on reaching these "milestones" so we didn't have to worry so much!!
Man! I guess I haven't checked your blog for awhile! He has grown up so fast! Time flies when I'm having my own baby, I guess. :)
It looks like you've had a fun few weeks.
Hurray Davin!! Cute posts. Glad you had a fun time at the Jazz game! And I'm sad I missed the neighborhood egg hunt! It looks like you had a fun time!
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