A couple of weeks ago we went to a JAZZ GAME! **THANKS TO MANY OF YOU** Aaron's winter job (due to him being a seasonal worker) works for Alpine Cleaning and Restoration. In their monthly news letter, they wrote about doing a Jazz game competition ($560.00 value..good seats!!). I thought..hummm..that could be easy to win. I walked down to the calendar and wrote JAZZ GAME 8:00pm on it. I figured it would be so easy to win...(all you had to do is get fans to join their company fan list on Facebook and write AARON MC on their wall. No problem, that would be easy. (***WELL...it was a PAIN in the BOO-TOCKS !) If the competition wasn't a whole week it would have been much easier. It started on a Monday and I sent out a mass text, mass face book message..and we were getting plenty of votes. There was another competitor that was getting a bunch on votes, but we were getting many more. THEN, 3 or 4 days into the competition...this girl "KIKI" from Cedar City started in. (anyone could compete.) This KIKI chick was GOOD! She got a TON of votes....FAST!! She was working it HARD and made me nervous. Many times I just wanted to quit, but Aaron kept telling me "you are soo close, keep it up". I thought.."yeah, this has been a pain...but I AM really close!" So I kept recruiting people for votes. I realized a lot of people were really rooting for us...how nice! (They would put it on their status, and ask their friends to help us out also.) So sweet!! I realized they were my TRUE friends on FB! They realized we (aaron and I) were in need of some serious time together..with NO KIDS..just for a few hours. KIKI and I were NECK AND NECK for days. BUT, in the end...we did WIN!! YAYAYAY!!!! (by about 40 votes) I was all worn out at this point. IT was worth it though. WE HAD SOOOO MUCH FUN "and" I GOT A MUCH NEEDED DATE WITH MY HUBBY! (we left the kids at my sisters house, went to dinner, and hung out with some of our great friends.)
Chris thought it would be funny to take a MAJOR close up of us!

Ryan, Cheri, Charee, and Aaron..these are our BFF's.

From the other side, Cheri, Charee, Aaron, and Chris (our 5th wheel)

We won 5 tickets..strange number...but Chris was a fab 5th wheel.

During the game....row 23!

Cheri and Charee for life! I LOVE HER!!

My main man....LOVE HIM!

WE are dorks!

The "Jazz Bear" being silly on his motorcycle!

Another one of the "Jazz Bear"

Ry and Ree...being DORKS for my ice cream picture!

Same with Aaron....

WE WON!!! (aaron say's they never win when he goes!)

We had a Rockin good time! I would NEVER want to win the lottery..everyone was hitting us up for the three extra tickets. We really wish that we could have taken eveyone..but we couldn't! We did a favor for ALPINE..(they now have nearly 1000 fans)...and they did us a favor..of a night of freedom from our wonderful kids...to sit back, relax...and be crazy! Thanks again for all your votes...you ROCK!
SO glad you won and SO glad you were able to get out with your hubby sans children. And, yes, you are dorks but so are we and that's why we're friends :-)
I am so glad you won! Looks like you had a blast!
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