Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BRAD~Temple~Tate B-DAY~St. George!

This is an almighty post due to some busy weeks. Keep a scrolling down for great pictures!! To be short and sweet, I will mainly let the pictures do the talking.

My brother BRAD came to town (which is rare) and most of my family came up to see him and his family. We enjoyed dinner, chatting, and relaxing...while the kids played and ran around grandma's yard! It was also the first time I met my niece Tess. She was so very darling! They also met Crew for the first time.

BBQ out back at G & G's!


Singing Happy Bday to Scott!

The children of the CORN! (Running around in Grandpa's huge garden.

We had the great opportunity to go walk through the BRIGHAM CITY TEMPLE! This was a very beautiful and spiritual house of the Lord. The boys all were so excited to be able to go IN! They did an awesome job being reverent!

I LOVE this picture and WANT and NEED it soooo bad in my home! (Wouldn't in be perfect??? A little boy hand in hand with Jesus??? PERFECT!!)

We loved getting WATER with the temple picture on it!

The cookies were pretty good as well!! :)

We made a pit stop at Pizza Hut after words. The kids were pretty excited about that too!!

TATE turned the BIG 5!! Since this year was a pretty big year for Tate, he decided that he wanted a few of his good friends and closest neighbors to come celebrate with him!! It was short and sweet as well...(since mommy just had a baby! ;))

Silly Birthday boy! We sure love this big guy! He is a busy one, and keeps our hands full but we sure are glad that he is ours and in our family. LOVE YOU TATER!!

Silly picture time for some of the kids that came!

The kids played a few games to win prizes! Shown here was a ring toss on the croc!

Then a bean bag toss while jumping on a mini tramp!

Or just jumping on the BIG tramp!

Some kids colored Tate a ~5~ picture for his big day!

Silly Tattoo's (or stickers, which we call them) were a fun accessory!

CAKE TIME! (Tate talked me through each moment of what he wanted on his cake...this is the finished product! Just like he wanted it! Ha Ha)

Singing to the BIRTHDAY BOY!

Blowing the whopping 5 candles out!

Present time! BOY OH BOY did this kid get spoiled by his friends!

This little babe just chilled during it all! Such a sweet little thing!

St George!!! Our friends invited us to join them in St. George for a few days!
Our friend does triathlon's and we went to cheer him on and play a little! He did amazing too! We were so proud!

The night before the Triathlon he needed to eat his carbs to boost his energy, so we all ate at Olive Garden!  Yum!

The swimming!
Here he is coming out of the water!

Getting dressed for the bike ride!

Then the run!

Crossing over the finish line! He did awesome!
Ry's dad was my baby Crew's shade! So nice!

This was Crew in his little pack on my chest! He did soo good! Never made a peep!

The boys riding the bus!!!

The rest of the time we enjoyed ourselves very much! We relaxed and had naps!

We enjoyed the St. George SUN everyday! We went to a fun splash pad one day!
The kids loved to explore and play on the red rock!

 We enjoyed the palm trees and waterfalls!
Tate and Sophie both have a birthday a day apart, so we exchanged gifts and had a pool party a couple times!

Fun family times to the pool! We swam every day a couple times a day! That is the life!


Tate in the hot tub!

Daddy playing with Tate! His pants just about fell off! ;)
Pool jumping!

Our friends have such a fun and sweet little family! It was great to chill pool side and just mainly relax with them all week!

Little Max!
We also went to this fun little park that we had gone to with our other friends years ago. This park has all sorts of different things that you don't see at most parks. Fun for the whole family!

On the way home we just HAD to stop at our most favorite rest stop for a picture in the BIG and GIGANTIC chair! The other two kids were asleep, otherwise we could have fit us all!

This little BABY Crew was AMAZING! We were not sure how a month old baby would do on a rode trip already. He hardly ever made a peep! He did what babies do. Sleep, eat, and poop! That's my boy!

Sure LOVE him!!!!!! Along with my other three! ;)

1 comment:

Alabama Apples said...

How fun!! I've missed being able to go to temple open-houses. Your boys are so beautiful! I just want to squeeze you teeny-tiny. It's been awhile since I've held such a little squishy one! And, I have to add how freakin' gorgeous you are!!! Sheesh, not quite fair! ;)