Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sisters weekend 2014!!

It is that time of year again that all us girls got together for a sisters weekend out and about! It was awesome! Each year we think it can't get better...and it always does. We laugh so much. It is great for us to get away from all the kids and hubs for a couple days and just girl it all out! We eat lots, we shop LOTS and this year we added an 'off broadway' play! It was called SORT-OF the RINGS! (Spoof of Lord of the Rings!) It was super cheesy but of course funny. We really enjoyed ourselves. I have a bunch of pictures on my phone that I still need to upload. These gals are fun to live by now, but I still don't see them all that often since we are all busy with our own families. This was a blast, can't wait til next year! Sure love my sissssssssssssssers!

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