Saturday, September 3, 2011

Happenings of the week!

Summer feels like it is officially over. Bummer deal! School and work started, the calendar flipped and in the next breath the temperatures dropped. ALREADY!! UGH! I do enjoy fall, but I HATE being cold! I am already wearing jackets and not happy about all. ;) We did get some fun and enjoyable outings in though during the week.

Our friends have a family boat, and never take it out. WHAT????? Crazy I say!! ;) (They didn't know how to drive it.) They took us out one evening...and we all had a GREAT time!! (They even took driving lessons by Aaron. They did GOOD!) We went to good ol Hyrum Dam! The water was PERFECT, the sunset was gorgeous and our time was just splendid..of course!

Finding a spot to get in!

The newest boat driver! Not! He wishes!!
The fab flag holder!
The wake boarder holder!
The queen of wake boarding! Go Angie!!
Getting ready to HIT IT!
Here's sweet AARON!
Out of all of the million times and years of BOATING, I finally tried some wake boarding! Hip Hip HOORAY!

and........I am UP!!

But sooner than later...DOWN! This happened LOTS! (it was fun though!)

Tubing was the funnest though! Laughed so hard that we nearly choked on all the water! All I can say is we got some MAJOR air and never let go or fell off! HA HA! It was super romantic in the evening light also. ooh la la!
Another day, we hit the splash pad in the evening. There was not a soul there. The kids ran free across the pad....

They took it all in, and enjoyed all the water to themselves...
Played on all the jungle gym equipment...

and did whatever they wanted to do! (There are some perks of course when school has started and everything in town is dead due to HOMEWORK!!) Ha Ha!
Our cute little neighbor JACOB got this sweet new little ride. Tate is taking in all the ENJOYMENT also!

Another day Davin and Tate were too!
My dear friend EMILEE notified me she was coming to town (for the mud run) and wanted to get together the night before. Work schedules and such made it frustrating to get it all worked out...but we did make it ~sorta~ work. THANKS EMILEE! I LUV YA! A few of us got together though at Chili's. A bunch of friends weren't able to attend, but KRISTY, EMILEE and I had a great time! The laughter was contagious and NUTTY!!
We got Chilly, at Chili's! ;) YES...we are DORKS and proud of it!
Ice cream time at Charlies Ice cream was a must after. We got a few more laughs in just before we parted. (NICE face Kole!)
Here we are at CHARLIE'S!

Mean while my hubby was home slaving away on this BEAUTIFUL deck that he and Garth were building. It was on a deadline, so Aaron wasn't able to attend the evening. Bummer deal, we missed you lots! The deck looks SUPER good though!
Showing off their master piece!!

Aaron heard about the NEWEST mud run was in CACHE VALLEY!

MAN VS MUD to be exact!!

He signed up for it months and months ago. He has been SOOO excited!!! I wanted to do it also...but it was spendy and we don't have the I then was the official picture taker for the group. (There are LOTS more pics taken than I will email them to you Emilee and Annie (and whomever) if you would like them all!)

The DIRTY BIRDS....still CLEAN! A bunch of our family and friends!
Emilee and Annie looking HOTTTTT before the run!!
Aaron ready to get down and dirty!

The finish line! You slip on down this huge hill...into the last MUD bath of the course! NICE!
Dirty kisses afterwords!
He was MUDDDDDDYYYYYYYY and loved it!
Brothers! ahhhhh!
Some of the group afterwords!
Here are some more! They all were having a great time. Next year...I am IN! Saving up for sure! Looked much more fun than just taking the dang pics! ;)

Aaron then hurried and showered up so we could get to a family get together. My nephew came up to Logan to go through the temple for the first time before he leaves on his mission in a few weeks! AAHHH..I feels so OLD! I was just wiping his BOTTOM I swear! I really was!

Good times with family, along side YUMMO food!
Davin's learns how to FLY!
Sweet cousins....(my sweet nieces!)
Some of the old and young COUSIN'S together. So cute and sweet!
We sure will miss good ol Christian on his mission, but are so proud of him of course also!

Until next week! More CrAzY DaYz ahead!


Emilee said...

LOOOOOOVE it! so fun to see you!!

Joni said...

It looks like you guys sure know how to have fun! You were a great photographer for the mud race but I think you are right, being in it would be a lot more fun.

Megan said...

Fun updates!! Why weren't you running in the mud run? Is that your deck? It looks great. Cute big boys. You've had a fun summer.

Annie said...

it was great to see you last weekend! and, YES, next year you will be in that race!!! keep up the fun!

Kristy, Kole & Kids said...

I don't know where you find the time to have so much fun. My blog consists of us doing nothing exciting. I'm so jealous. But that night out with you and Em was so fun. But I'm going to tell you the same thing I told her... since nobody gave me the chance to veto any pictures, next time I'm bringing the camera so I can post good pictures of myself while everyone else looks like dorks. Love ya. Hope to run into you around town soon (Michael's maybe). xoxo