Friday, March 22, 2013

I see GREEN!!

St Patty's day fell on Sunday this year...and we had a grand ol time celebrating it!You could say we went a bit nuts in the GREEN department! We had Green pancakes, Green eggs, and Green milk for breakfast! All of us wore bright Green to church, and ate Green Corn beef and all Green veggies for dinner. Of course we had Green Cupcakes for desert! And we wondered why we were seeing GREEN all week after that!! It sure is fun to do fun things with young kids! Heck, we are all young kids! HA HA! Happy Saint Patrick's day 2013!


Annie said...

love all your posts! glad you had a wonderful birthday, and things look like they are going well!

Emily Berkley said...

Haven't been blogging forever!!! So I loved catching up on all your greatness! Love you tons! You are the bestest ever!

The Child Family said...

hehehehe, i LOVE the green everywhere, and the shamrock pancakes is a very nice touch!!!
I love how you get into holidays, I want to be you when i grow up!!!

Megan said...

You are always partying. Looks like you had a great Birthday. I can't believe Crew is so big. I haven't seen you for too long. I love all the pictures.