Sunday, July 14, 2013

Cousin and friend FUN!

Due to going down to look for a new home in Davis county, we had been able to see and spend a lot more time with my sister and the boys their cousins! The kids enjoy the little outings at parks and such!

Davin has been getting a lot of sunburns with his sensitive skin lately! He borrowed his cousins cute pink hat, and had lots of thick sunblock on. He looked sorta girly, but cute as can be!
Cute cousins!
Silly Crew! Tastes like CHICKEN! ;)
Playdates! My boys every once in awhile get together with their long lost buddies Zack and Blake Whitesides! They all have a grand ole time together. This occasion they laughed and giggled for quite some time on the tire swing. Gotta love Merlin Olsen park and smiles!

Cute boys! Boys will be boys!!

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