Sunday, October 27, 2013

Logan moving day!

Moving day! July 20th 2013 was a sad day. We had to move out of our beloved home of almost 7 years. I guess we didn't 'have' to move...but it was time. The job moved us over the mtn and it was for sure a bittersweet time. The long commute for Aaron was getting old. We loved this home, this neighborhood, this valley...this everything. Someday we would LOVE to get back. For now, the job is much more you go were the money is! Ha! Family and a few good friends helped with the big move. Moving is awful! Nothing more to say....but UGH! We did it, we lived to tell about it...but it is not something you want to do very often! :)

1 comment:

Emilee said...

I just spent like an hour reading this! So much! didnt know you were back to it again. Some day I want to come play up there! and your new house looks great! Where are the pics??