Monday, October 12, 2009

Silly Kids!

Tate has been a real fan of HATS lately and the cereal bowls are no different to him. One morning I was cracking up when he kept putting them on Davin's head also. So funny and so sweet. I love my boys!

The Brothers!

What is on my head....wonders Davin?


Bates Family said...

I love it! Those pictures are so cute! Davin looks so funny in the last picture lol!

Megan said...

Cute. They are so funny. Davin is getting so big.

Alabama Apples said...

They ARE so cute, not that you need me to tell you. I just had to chuckle at the expression on Davin's face.

Annie said...

They got this from you, didn't they... ;-)

Kristy, Kole & Kids said...

Your kids are totally adorable and your family always does the funnest stuff. I would love to get together. I can't believe that it usually takes Emilee planning stuff for us to get together. You would think we could do it ourselves since we live so close togther. Just tell me when you are available. I am pretty much everyday.

Alissa said...

Those are some stylin' hats!