Tuesday, February 23, 2010


February 19th Aaron and I celebrated our 8th year of marriage(9 1/2 together.) WOW what crazy..fun...and fast great years! If I was to do it again, I for sure would get married NOT in February. This month is always the worst month for illness...and the last couple years with kids...we have dealt with that...more then celebrating much. We did make it to dinner together, with no kids. Aaron and I laughed when we went to dinner....we thought it was almost TOO quiet. We chatted a minute..and just sat back and relaxed without the noise. (don't get me wrong, normally I like noise, it doesn't bother me too much.) BUT this dinner, we really just enjoyed, eating...chatting, and just being with each other. One of these years we will go and do something BIG again..like we always use to do PRE KIDS. BUT for now we will just enjoy our lives with our little dudes, cuz it's going fast.

This is not a current picture...I need to get one. BUT thought you would enjoy seeing us together...right?

Love you AARON, you are my rock....I LOVE YOU!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


I am a fan of pictures...but I don't have one today. I just am in the mood to type.

All I can say is, I am so sick in tired of all of the illness that is going around. I have spoken with many of you that are in the same boat. WHAT SHOULD WE DO ABOUT IT?? Haa haa, wouldn't that be so nice if we really could go on strike?? I don't know, but I am about to scream....REALLY loud and so cover your ears.... YES EVEN YOU GUYS BACK EAST! I have had it!!! Poor kids though, they don't deserve it...they just want to eat, play and poop..right?? Why do they have to deal with all of the gunk? AND we as mothers gave birth to the little farts, why do we have to deal with it also?? Just a thought?

Say wanna all go on a trip...somewhere HOT AND SUNNY?? GIVE ME A CALL..let's plan it. WHO's in???

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


As pictured below, I told you that I made a beautiful Logan TEMPLE picture. This was a class that I attended/sign up for. You make it all from scratch. It is HUGE!! It is 32 X 26 inches (includes the 4 1/2" BLACK chunky frame. Why I was so interested in this, was I have wanted a religious picture for some time now, and when you see them at Deseret Book or Seagal Book...these pictures are 250$ bucks or more. This picture is 47$ plus a few bucks in shipping (due to the lady has to order everything.) I was so excited to be able to have something NICE that I have wanted for a long time. AND get it for semi-cheap (really cheap if you compare to the book stores..oh and you may have seen them at SAM'S CLUB also..same thing.) After I signed up for the class, I told a few people about it and they were really interested in one for themselves or as gifts. I signed up at the PARTY to be a HOST(thinking maybe I would do one, but if not....not a big deal.) I would have to have at least 10 people sign up to do at least 1 picture, or they wont do a party. I would do a party, if there is enough people that would like to do it, other wise...I wont. Check out their BLOG if you are interested @ http://poppyseedprojects.com ****THIS BLOG WILL TELL YOU ALL THE DETAILS AND THE TEMPLES AVAILABLE (I LOVE THE LOOK OF THE SLC ONE!!). Let me know if you or someone you know, would like to do one.

Come on over, if you would like to see mine.