Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas EVE and DAY!

So, I can't even believe that Christmas has been here and has already left us. So crazy! I wasn't very picture happy this year for some reason, DANG IT!!! So, sorry that there isn't many, and the ones I got really aren't all that good either. Oh well, it was still fun!

We always spend Christmas eve with Aaron's side of the family. We went to his oldest half brothers house. There was TONS and TONS of people there, so it was kinda crazy and nuts. (of course no pictures..sorry.) We ate so much food, I could be good for the rest of the year! REALLY! Then we just sat around and chatted with everyone. The kids loved running around and playing with all of their cousins. Tate LOVES to play the drums when we go there.

Tony (Aaron's oldest brother) plays the drums for the NASHVILLE TRIBUTE BAND. I am sure most of you have heard their songs on "The sounds for Sunday" or been to their concerts...*"Nashville tribute to the Prophet" (Joseph Smith), The TREK, or the Missionaries! All which are very spiritual and good!

ANY WHO...Tate loves to hear him play and/or HELP him play! Super cute pictures!!
He could have played all night!
After we got home from our fabulous evening..Tate was being so strange! (I think due to Santa Claus coming in the morn!!!) Ha Ha, silly little dude. Sure love him!
In the middle of the night...Santa did come and pay us a visit! He dropped his load! SO EXCITING!

Since I am the only child in town for my parents and no siblings coming home for the holiday. I invited my parents to come and watch the kids open their presents. (of course no picture of them...SHOOT! Sorry Mom and Dad.) But, they enjoyed themselves and we enjoyed them with us.

Tate had been up for a bit, but we woke up Davin! SuPeR DoOpEr ExCiTiNg!!!
Davin Loved opening his presents! Daddy was a great helper too.
Tate got a SWEET remote control TRUCK and CAR from grandma. Daddy is showing him how to do it! (and videoing him at the same time..ha ha!)
After a GRAND Christmas breakfast, the kids got some treats! Davin is enjoying it so much he can't even smile. Silly Nilly! (Love how it is all over him? kids!)

Tate poses for a lovely Christmas shot of our families loot! I would say these kids had a fun morn! I know I did!

My mom hosted a LOVELY Christmas evening party. (My older two sisters came up for it. Wish the brothers could have...sniff) We ate a YUMMY ham dinner with all the fixin's and had a very nice program after words. Yes tears were involved and it was a great way to end the day! We then sang, danced (yes, a very fun tradition) and played a candy white elephant rendition of the game. The kids got to "fish" in a Christmas "fish pond" and then of course exchanged our family gifts. LOVED every second of it!

Me and the hubs relaxing together on Christmas....awww!
Sweet little Davin is checking out his fish pond goods!

Some of the kids enjoying the fish pond prizes!
Christmas is such a fun holiday! We loved being with our families and friends through out it all. Hope yours was great as well. Only a few more days...and we can say HAPPY NEW YEAR!! LOVE YOU ALL FOLKS!


Eric and Jenny said...

It looks like you had a perfect Christmas! I hear ya on eating way too much, I should probably be good the rest of the year too, to work of all of the crap I have eaten over the last month!

Adam and Aubrey said...

What a fun Christmas! And that is quite the haul you all got! haha! I love your silly Tate with the bucket on his head. haha. Looks fabulous!

Tyson and Tahnee said...

Gotta love Santa! It was good seeing you on black friday. We should all get together..

Anonymous said...

What a fun Christmas! I love the Christmas morning picture of the boys in front of the tree :D Too cute! Glad you guys had a nice Christmas!