Today I woke really excited about life. I looked out the window and the sun was out and there was no rain. We could accually get out of the house and work on our yard today!!! Yeah!!! I jumped out of bed and said I want to make Hootnanny's for breakfast. We rarely have these(special occations only). Life really couldn't be much better right now. I love my hubby soo much, we love Tate soooo much and don't know how we went sooo many years without him. We have a beautiful house with great neighbors and friends. We are putting in our yard finally which we LOVE being outside and can't wait for cook outs in our pit and BBQ's on some lawn and a bigger patio (not our tiny little slab patio and our dirt). We have been so blessed to be around our families and friends who we love so very much. I know that this sounds really cheezy but it is so true. LIFE IS GREAT!