Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Newest Project!

Michele this is the project that I made, it's great for the front door. I saw the picture of this in a JOANNE'S flier and I didn't want to pay their prices, so I went to Walmart and picked up the flowers and found a wood wreath and it turned out the same. (if not better- hee hee) Hope you and Lora enjoy this project. LOVE YA


Robert & Heather Stephenson said...

Charee your blog turn out real cute! Glad we could help you. We'll have to get together again soon.

Megan said...

So cute. Good job you are so creative. It's fun to see what you guys are up to. Crazy how everyone has a blog. Keep posting.

Jenny said...

Charee I'm so glad you stumbled upon me again! Your little boy is cute. Now I can keep better tabs on old friends, isn't blogging great?

Shelly Traveller said...

I love that wreath good job. I have a hard time buying things that I know I can make for alot less. Thanks for commenting on my blog. What a cute little family you have. My mom loves you and always tell me when she see you. But who doesn't love Charee. I look forward to keeping up with what's going on with you little family.

Angie Tolman said...

I am so glad I finally found your blog. Nice Job you are doing a great job. Especially for just starting. I still haven't figured out how to do the slide shows. I tried twice and it didn't take. Keep POSTING!!! I love it. I'm going to add you to my page if that's okay.