Friday, March 12, 2010


Go me!! Just trying to catch up..check out the last 3 post!

Bear lake
Big boy


Alabama Apples said...

Your v-cay looked so fun!! I will say I'm jealous. We haven't had a good one in awhile.

Your little guy is such a doll! It is so crazy how quickly children grow up. I was just looking at my baby and at 3 weeks she is so much bigger than she was when born. Craziness!

What a fun hobby for your sweetie. My hubby is into hockey, too (watching, not playing :) )

The Child Family said...

That cabin looks exactly like the one I did the interior decorating for that my dad built. Is it in the "lighthouse" community by chance?
You have so many friends, and are always getting invited places, I'm so jealous, we never get invited anywhere, in fact Jenny's baby shower was the FIRST (and only) that I've been invited to since i've lived here :(
Not complaining though :)
Tate is getting so big, and your boys are just too dang cute!!!!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

you are too funny jamie. everyone loves you! i haven't been to a shower in like no worries with that one.
the cabin in off to the left when you are going down the steep windy road. he built this one himself along with a couple more to pay for it. i wish i had taken pictures of the decor, it was amazing. there is 3 levels...and HUGE. lots bigger than any BIG cabins i have ever been in. but then again, he is very rich. love you hun!