Friday, October 1, 2010


I am super tired but super glad to have something for your reading pleasure. 12 POSTS!! Haa haa, sorry that was stupid. Anyways, I have so much more catching up to do from the summer. Sorry that these are so delayed...but it is better late then never! Keep scrolling back on "older posts"..I would hate to have spent all day doing these, and no one checking them out. HINT HINT!!


Crystal said...

I went through all of your posts it looks like you guys had a fun and busy summer!! Your boys are so cute!

Megan said...

What a cute family! You are such a good mommy! Busy, busy, summer, but I know you love it.

the McLaughlin's said...

Thanks for the update. It is always fun to see what you guys have been up to. We should get together sometime.

Annie said...

AHHH!! Love them all! You are hilarious and I always look forward to your posts! It was so fun to chat with you (in person, not through blogs) the other day. I would have loved to talk more, but I always feel to scattered and distracted when I try and actually have a conversation. Probably because I am watching my kids and always keeping them out of something. You know how it is :-) But, you are awesome and your kids are adorable, and your husband only wishes he was as cool as mine :-) (TOTALLY KIDDING ON THAT LAST ONE!!!)

Shelly Traveller said...

to fun! No wonder you haven't been blogging you've been to busy having fun!

Megan said...

Great job! It takes a while to update. I want to be a bear too. Cute pics. Your boys are getting big. When can we get together? I hope all is well.

Angie Tolman said...

I can't wait to go through them all! I'm glad I finally thought how to remember to ask you. My kids think your boy inthe sink is really funny. They asked if you didn't have a bathtub. I just said the mom was being funny. They said, 'What a funny mom!"

Angie Tolman said...

I also made a comment on your post about YW camp. Don't forget to look for it.