Monday, October 25, 2010

LOVIN' the month of OCTOBER!!!

WHY???? are we having a great month of October?? Well this is why...

1st off- (G)houls (N)ight (O)ut with the Gals! This month the most fabulous Jamie Child hosted it...and let me talk about funny and a great time. There was some great and HILARIOUS costumes!! Always a great time, that is for sure.

The Ghouls.....(gals) acting in part of their characters.
I would LOVE to put all the ladies on here for an up close and personal view from the fashion show..(YES, I did take a picture of each and everyone of them as they strutted past me)...but due to time, I am just going to post some of the most memorable. (See all from the night on

Where's WENDA?? I don't know?? I can't see her.
The best endowed warrior I have ever seen.
The desperate house wife of the 80's!! (funny thing is most of your mom's did wear this. My mom sure did, and I thought she was gorgeous!!)
Jamie on the left...was in the most FAB eyelashes! I want a pair.
I was a NASTY "Zombie"/dead prom queen. Yes, that was my sisters REAL prom dress back from the 80's and YES it was beautiful..haa haa! (Yes, my costume was a stretch..but I paid NOTHING for it..and that is what I was trying to pull off.)

ON TO THE HOTTIE on my RIGHT...the most fab and most talented hot topic of the night. Miley Cyrus came to the party....YES she did, even with her busy schedule... AND.... I met her....for reals!!!!! YAY

2nd big deal of the week!! The PUMPKIN WALK!! I grew up just up and around the corner from this wonderful and great affair. I always look forward to going to each year. My kids love it TOO!

The newest thing the last couple years is the BUS ride up to it and back...what a fun new little tradition to ride the bus and of course take a picture.

Look who we saw on the bus!!! What a fabulous suprise..and what a cute little family as well. HA HA
Tate is not a quiet kid for the most part...and he was in ahhh most of the night. I thought it was sure strange, but so cute at the same time. He loved it!

Tate dared to pet the wiggly spider last year on this cute witches lap. But he was a bit freaked out this year. I don't blame him. (notice his face..haa haa)
Third year in a row for this yoda shot. So cute!

Afterwords to warm to the McCLELLAN'S favorite spot in town. THE ZONE!!!!
We are watching you!!!!

3rd...NOT SO FUN issue from the week. I figure I can add it to my countdown JUST because it is sorta Halloween worthy. Davin just fell like any other toddler does, but against the kitchen chair. Dang it!! He hit the chair just right on the very edge of his eye. It started bleeding and getting a hematoma right away. It really scared mom for sure because it was so close to the eye. It is fine and all is ok...but he looks like he has already got dressed up for the Halloween holiday.
It is hard to see the Black eye so much in these pictures. It is more on the upper eye lid.

4th- The USU Homecoming parade. This is always a great and fantastic tradition for our family. We love to go and see all the fun things in the parade, BUT MORE SO this is a very generous parade and we LOVE getting all of the goods.

My darling niece is down from Oregon to go to USU. She and her roommate met up with us and Aaron's family. FUN TIMES I'LL TELL YA!!! FUN TIMES.
Loading up. Those are my boys!

We love love love Halloween and all of the festivities! More to come......


Eric and Jenny said...

I am so mad at myself for missing Girls night, the costumes are fantastic, I do love that dress you are wearing, though Charee you could pull a garbage sack off and look great!

The pumpkin walk is the cutest thing ever I had never been to one until we moved here and it is for sure my favorite thing about this time of year.

I thought of you yesterday as I was doing my lesson is RS how did yours go? Great I bet!

Alabama Apples said...

Love October! I remember the Pumpkin walk-what fun! You have such a darling family. I love the Yoda pic-my boys would seriously go gagga over it!! :)

The Child Family said...

We need to hook your darling niece up with my darling little brother ;) ;)
So that's what Davin's eye looked like before Sunday- poor little guy!!!!
They do a bus now to the pumpkin walk!?!?! What a fun thing- and yes, you did run into quite a lovely family on le bus :)
I'm so glad Anna got to feel the love during the parade- thanks for watching out for my little gal- you;re the best!!!!!

Chelise said...

Wow you guys are living the life. Can we join?!? Luv the costumes and your boys are growing up so fast. Davin is so cute and yes one of these days we will update the good ol blog. Our life isn't that interesting....haha! oh yeah what happened to davin's eye? Poor little guy.

Annie said...

seriously, you have the funnest life ever! love your costume - super hottie! seeing pics of the pumpkin walk make me "cache valley sick", that place is always awesome!

Adam and Aubrey said...

I love that your hubs is putting Davin up through the hole in the giant pumpkin! HAHA! That's so funny to me! Poor little guy hurting his eye. That sucks. The ghouls night out looks so fun! What a great idea!

Julie said...

ha ha all these pictures! Geez, you guys rock. I love it. You and all your zillion ADVENTURES. and you think we're busy. uhhh yeah right. The pumpkin walk was super fun though. Loved that. Thanks for the invite there. You de best girl! Yes ye are!! Mucho love-o!